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Eccoci quà! Angelo,Gabriele e Francesco
Friday 19 June 2020

BENERI: Our shipping and logistics warehouse team

We are only three but ... we make big numbers! We handle an average of 25,000 annual positions and 8 to 20 tons of goods per day, guaranteeing ser...
Friday 23 February 2024


The choice of European partners becomes strategic

The year 2024 inaugurates the CBAM mechanism, an initiative proposed by the EU to reduce the risk of so-called "carbon leaks" and to ensure that products imported into Europe respect the same environmental standards applied to European producers.

What are we talking about?  The CBAM will introduce a system in which imports of certain categories of products (cement, electricity, fertilizers, cast iron, iron-steel and aluminium) will be subjected to a tax based on the carbon content incorporated into them.

What’s the purpose? The main aim of the CBAM is to reduce the risk of carbon emissions being transferred to the countries with lower environmental standards (carbon leakage), in order to stimulate non-EU trading partners to reduce their carbon emissions.

We will probably understand what impacts this mechanism will have on the international trade and on the global economy in the next two years, once the "test" and the reporting period have passed. The embodied carbon tax will become effective from 2026.

The selection of serious, reliable and INTRA-COMMUNITY commercial partners becomes today more than ever a strategic business choice for Italian and European companies.

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