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BENERI Spa si certifica IATF 16949:2016
Martedì 17 Luglio 2018

BENERI Spa obtains IATF 16949:2016 certification

BENERI Spa has recently obtained the IATF 16949:2016 certification.  The new regulation, replacing the previous ISO TS 16949: 2009, represents...

Categoria: Noticias

Lunedì 22 Luglio 2024
The story of the container and the issues related to transports
Did you know that Malcolm Mc Lean was the founder of the container ship?  Malcolm was an American manager in the transports field, who in 1937 had an intuition that “opened the door” to the development of the container. He realized that loading the whole body truck on the ship would have be...
Il reclutamento
Mercoledì 03 Aprile 2024
Recruitment: criticism and pride
Recruitment is probably one of the most critical issues that several companies have faced in recent years: on the one hand the growing need to hire personnel with specific technical skills, on the other hand the lack of candidates who could meet these requirements. Several factors have contribu...
CBAM: Immagine
Venerdì 23 Febbraio 2024
The year 2024 inaugurates the CBAM mechanism, an initiative proposed by the EU to reduce the risk of so-called "carbon leaks" and to ensure that products imported into Europe respect the same environmental standards applied to European producers. What are we talking about?  The CBAM will introd...
Ed il vincitore è...: Immagine
Venerdì 19 Gennaio 2024
Y la ganadora es...
Which page of our website counted the highest number of views in 2023?   According to statistics, the winner of the "prize" in terms of number of views is the page about circplis type DIN 471 with a total of 3,816 views, of which 43% in Spanish, 32% in English, 14 % in Italian and 11% in Ger...
Auguri di Buon Anno!: Immagine
Lunedì 08 Gennaio 2024
Happy new year!
Mis mejores deseos para un 2024 lleno de satisfacciones personales y laborales!  
Whistelblowing: Immagine
Venerdì 15 Dicembre 2023
With Legislative Decree No. 24 of 10 March 2023, the EU Directive 2019/1937 concerning the protection of persons who report breaches of Union Law (i.e. Whistleblowing Directive) was implemented in our legal system. In order to implement the provisions introduced by the Legislative Decree No. 24/2...
Fiera di Las Vegas 2023:
Lunedì 23 Ottobre 2023
La International Fastener Expo 2023
Acaba de finalizar la International Fastener Expo 2023. Fue el primero después del período de Covid y estamos mayoritariamente satisfechos. Mucha gente vino a visitar nuestro stand también porque quedó impresionada. Hemos tenido la oportunidad de conocer a nuestros clientes americanos. Ha sid...
Giovedì 14 Settembre 2023
La feria de sujetadores en Las Vegas
Los días 10 y 11 de octubre de 2023 vamos a asistir a la feria de sujetadores que se llevará a cabo en Las Vegas en el Mandala Bay Convention Center. Estaremos en el stand n.936. Para nosotros será la undécima edición, la primera después del período Covid. Siempre ha sido un momento import...